
A collection of 4 posts

May 4, 2015


I once heard of a concert pianist who prepare for concerts by reading the scores. On the plane ride over to a particular concert, he will look at the score and think about

Jan 27, 2015

Luck is Hard Work

Luck is Hard Work

I once asked a successful entrepreneur what was the turning point of her company’s success. After thinking about it for a few seconds, she said that she was lucky to run into

Jan 12, 2015

Play the Whole Concerto

Play the Whole Concerto

I started working on the second movement of Chopin’s first piano concerto last year. When I learn a new piece, I go through a few lines at a time. I work through

Sep 25, 2014

Playing for Others

Playing for Others

The difference between good and great pianists Good pianists focus on telling stories. Great pianists focus on how their audience hears their stories. Good pianists play for themselves. Great pianists play for others.