
A collection of 6 posts

Aug 2, 2015

Wifi Connected LED using Guide.js

Wifi Connected LED using Guide.js

I wasn't kidding when I said I'd use Guide.js [https://github.com/neuralfirings/guide], my new framework for writing guides and tutorials. Here's a rewrite of

Aug 2, 2015

My Scrappy Guide.js

Project Github Link: https://github.com/neuralfirings/guide -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Over the past few posts, I've written some guides and tutorials on using the ESP8266 chip [https://blog.nyl.io/tag/esp8266/

Jul 15, 2015

Internet Controlled LED using ESP8266

Internet Controlled LED using ESP8266

In my previous post, I covered how to upload sketches using NodeMCU, which is firmware written in Lua. I ran into a few problems: * Uploading big files were prone to error, and it

Jun 25, 2015

Making Custom PCBs

Making Custom PCBs

PLEASE NOTE: I've written a new and improved version of this guide [https://blog.nyl.io/hello-world-custom-pcb-fritzing/]. Yeah! Updates!!We've all see something like this before. The simple breadboard

Apr 2, 2015

How to Sketch Animations in Blender

How to Sketch Animations in Blender

In the last two Blender updates, the Grease Pencil tool got a major facelift. The Grease Pencil was traditionally used for annotating 3D drawings. Now, it can also be used for animation. And

Oct 24, 2014

How I Started to Code

How I Started to Code

I get this question a lot: how did you learn to code? People seem perplexed that I can make software without a background in computer science. I’ve never taken some 12 week