Sep 14, 2015

Hello World, How to Mill Printed Circuit Boards (PCB)

Hello World, How to Mill Printed Circuit Boards (PCB)

This post is part of the Hello World Projects []. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- There are many ways to create custom PCBs (printed circuit boards). I like milling because the CNC mill

Sep 9, 2015

Makers on Mars

Makers on Mars

I recently stumbled across this series on SpaceX []. It dives deep into what is up with that kooky program and why it's so important

Sep 5, 2015

Hello World: Design PCBs with Fritzing

Hello World: Design PCBs with Fritzing

This post is part of the Hello World Projects []. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The simple breadboard with a messy, beautiful rainbow of wires sticking this way and that. Easy enough! But

Sep 4, 2015

Hello World Projects, an Intro

Hello World Projects, an Intro

The idea behind Hello World Projects is to create simple tutorials that does one simple thing. Usually it involves turning on an LED or displaying "Hello World." These are simple building

Aug 24, 2015

Milling PCBs

Milling PCBs

Well, the nice folks at SoDo MakerSpace [] got me started on the CNC Mill and Laser Cutter. I used the smaller mill, a Shapeoko 2, to mill some PCBs. And

Aug 5, 2015



> Eating your own dog food, also called dogfooding, is a slang term used to reference a scenario in which a company uses its own product to validate the quality and capabilities of

Aug 3, 2015

Ghost Hack

One of the good things about markdown is it lets you interject HTML in the middle. So far example, <div class="red">I'm red</div>

Aug 2, 2015

Wifi Connected LED using Guide.js

Wifi Connected LED using Guide.js

I wasn't kidding when I said I'd use Guide.js [], my new framework for writing guides and tutorials. Here's a rewrite of

Aug 2, 2015

My Scrappy Guide.js

Project Github Link: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Over the past few posts, I've written some guides and tutorials on using the ESP8266 chip [

Jul 26, 2015

PCBs Misbehaving

PCBs Misbehaving

I got my custom PCBs from iTEAD last week. So exciting, right? I plugged everything in and.... WARHN warhn (failure horn 📢). Problem So much trouble trying to figure out what's the

Jul 15, 2015

Internet Controlled LED using ESP8266

Internet Controlled LED using ESP8266

In my previous post, I covered how to upload sketches using NodeMCU, which is firmware written in Lua. I ran into a few problems: * Uploading big files were prone to error, and it